call center


We can’t predict the future, but we can plan how we respond to unexpected events. When the unexpected happens, turn to Agility Freight for support to get you to the finish line.

We offer 24/7/365 dispatch service by partnering with our highly skilled and experienced top notch dispatch vendors.

A Message Regarding COVID-19

A Message Regarding COVID-19

To our clients and partners,

As we navigate the unchartered waters of the COVID-19 crisis, the health and safety of our employees, clients and partners remain our top priority. We are committed to following CDC guidelines to slow the spread of this disease. We are closely monitoring conditions in our local communities as well as in the countries we operate in and remain fully operational.

We thank healthcare workers, who are on the frontlines, for their commitment and tireless efforts.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to families impacted by the pandemic.

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